Rudyard Elementary School Supplies 2024-2025
Dear Parents:
As we look forward to the beginning of school in the fall, some parents have asked for a classroom supply list for their child. Although the school does supply children with their classroom needs, it seems reasonable to provide a list to those who wish to contribute.
Thank you for your support.
2 Packages of pencils
2 Boxes of tissues
Full size backpack
Headphones (no ear buds)
1 Package of large pink erasers
1 Package large glue sticks
Hand sanitizer
Extra pair of clothing
Gym shoes to stay at school
Disinfectant wipes
Hand/face wipes
Pencil box
Box of gallon, quart, and snack zip bags
Shoe size plastic box
Reusable water bottle
First Grade
1 Pack of thin (fine tip) black EXPO white board markers
3 Boxes of 24 ct. Crayola crayons
1 Package large pink erasers
1 Package pencil eraser caps
1-2 Highlighters
8 Glue sticks
1 Box of 24 ct. pencils
Gym shoes
1 Box of gallon
Snack, quart, or sandwich size Ziploc bags (must close) or 1 box of Kleenex
Pencil sized plastic box (Ms. McGahey's class only)
1 pair of Scissors (Ms. McGahey's class only)
Reusable water bottle
Hand sanitizer with pump
Second Grade
2-24 Pack of crayola crayons
2 Boxes of pencils (no plastic coating, they won't sharpen and ruin sharpeners)
1-8 Pack Elmer’s glue sticks (no bottles of white glue, please)
1 Pack of eraser caps
1- 12 Pack colored pencils
1 Small pencil sharpener
1 pair of Scissors
2 Boxes of tissues
1 Box of gallon, quart, or sandwich sized Ziploc bags (must close)
1 Pencil box or bag
1 Pack fine tip (thin) Dry-Erase Markers
1 Composition Notebook
Gym shoes
Reusable water bottle
Donations of anti-bacterial wipes would be welcomed.
Third Grade
Pencil box - to keep supplies in desk
2 Pack Dixon Ticonderoga pencils (others don't sharpen well)
Hand held sharpener (optional)
Composition notebook
3 Folders (2-pocket; no prongs) - 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green
Crayons - 24 count
2 Packs dry erase markers
Glue sticks
2 colored pens - not black or blue (so it stands out on paper)
1 Pack pencil cap erasers
2 Big pink erasers
PE shoes (to leave at school)
Headphones (optional - but handy)
Colored pencils and markers may be donated to our class supply - they will NOT be kept in individual desks. If you wish to donate Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer, and antibacterial wipes, they would be graciously accepted and appreciated! (Our classrooms are down to ZERO tissues for the beginning of the year...)
Fourth Grade
24 #2 wood pencils (no plastic coating, they ruin sharpeners)—(Community
6 Elmer’s glue sticks (Community Supply)
2 Boxes of Crayola Crayons (24 count) (one per semester)
2 packs Crayola “Twistable” Colored Pencils (12 count, $2.93 @ Walmart)
(one per semester)
1 box Crayola Washable Markers (10 count) (Community Supply)
3 Composition Notebooks (WIDE-ruled) No wire/spiral bound
4 Thin Highlighters-different colors if possible
4 Dry erase markers (Community Supply)
Pencil Box (that closes) to keep supplies in desk
2 boxes Kleenex
1 container Anti-Bacterial Wipes
PE shoes to leave in locker
Items listed as community supplies will be collected by the teacher on the first day of school. These supplies will be handed out to all students as needed to share.
If you wish to donate to our classroom, we are looking for Ziploc snack/sandwich bags, white paper bags. Bags of candy, fruit snacks, granola bars, etc. for our Friday class store. Any of these would be graciously accepted and appreciated.
Thank you!
We have found through the years these are the only supplies needed to be successful in 4th grade. We have folders and binders already prepared for each student. We have very limited space, and no other supplies are necessary.
Fifth Grade
(1-2) 2" binder
(1) 3 hole zippered pencil case that can be snapped inside binder
(4-5) 3 hole 2-pocket folders
(2-3) 3 hole college ruled spiral notebook
(1pkg) 10 clear 3 hole paper protectors
Optional for classroom community use:
1 pkg pencils
1 pkg glue sticks
Sixth Grade
4 Two-pocket folders with holes that will go in binder
1 Inch three ring binder
24 #2 pencils
Lined paper-wide ruled
Colored pencils
Index cards
1 Package pens (any color)
Dry erase marker (4)
1 Pack of markers
Black and white composition book (for a journal)
2 Boxes facial tissues
Gym shoes
Reusable water bottle
Any donations of Lysol wipes, pencils, popsicle sticks, and Elmer's glue would be appreciated